My story....
Like many of you I love pampering others and I put everyone else first but myself!
Let me back up...
I am 48 years old and I've been FAT and FLUFFY all my life...
I've been on EVERY SINGLE DIET OUT THERE!!! And it seemed like the harder I tried to diet and work out the more I would gain!
By the time I hit 45 years old nothing I did worked anymore not even temporarily until my friend Naomi introduced me to feeding my body with healthy fats geared toward a low carb keto lifestyle. I soon became a keto coach and lost 35lbs within that year and was able to keep it off...however I wasn't happy with how I looked.
2020 when everything shut down I had no one to pamper.
I sat on the recliner all alone talking with GOD asking HIM
"now what?"
GOD had me ask myself what I wanted. What did I want? I wanted to find out the root cause of why I was fat and aging and try and REVERSE it!
I researched on anything and everything from brown fat verses white fat and everything to do with our cells and lymphatic system and how they both became sluggish. Then I went to work internally focusing on how to burn fat and get my digestive system to work the way it should. Externally I created a Cupping Oil for both aging and to target areas of concern and figured out a cupping technique that worked best for what my body needed.
Then in July I started working on my face and within a month I couldn't believe the transformation!
I look and feel like I did 15 years ago before I had my son!
*My cellulite is almost gone on my legs and buttocks. My hips have totally chiseled off where I can now wear a size 10.
*My belly has completely shrunk and I no longer feel like a stuffed potato or "muffin top" in my pants.
*My nerve pain is gone in my feet.
*My face looks like it did 15 years ago! Its tighter and more toned! My jowls are disappearing, my chin more defined, the fine lines and wrinkles on and around my lips are fading and I no longer get Botox on my forehead and around my eyes, fillers to lift my chin or injections to melt fat away the jowls.
But most of all.....
I learned how to PAMPER ME!!!
I now PAMPER MYSELF on the INSIDE as well as the OUTSIDE!
For Kona Kiss Inside & Out Consultation with