Shelli's SELF-LOVE template
Verse, Saying, or Quote (pick one for yourself)
Psalm 119:9-12
Lord, help me live a clean life. I want to carefully read the road map of your Word. I’m
single-minded in pursuit of You; don’t let me miss the road signs You’ve posted. I’ve
banked Your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t sin myself bankrupt. Be blessed,
God; train me in Your ways of wise living.
ADD to my daily lifestyle Vitamins
Supplements (list on separate sheet and Kona Kiss Consultant page)
Diffusing Daily
Surround myself with good people who are motivating, kind, and inspiring
Listen to uplifting music and podcasts
Always sleep with Golden Perfection on my face
Learn a new skill or sport
Apps that drain/waste my time
Unnecessary Running Around
Long Cardio workouts (do some shorter interval training or yoga)
Strength training
Time with people who build me up and challenge me to become better
Water with lemon, wild orange, or grapefruit oils
Body Cupping (3-5 times per week on tummy, legs, and buttocks
o shower body cupping saves me time (use Vichy bar then cup)
o target cupping once dry (I use the oil and focus on a specific body area)
o face cupping (Daily)
I do quick cupping in the morning to lift and drain areas
After washing face nightly, cup whole face with Hawaiian beauty (5 minute
Be in Nature: Walks, Biking, Hiking, Photography
Snacks that are high protein and low sugar
Berries: Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries
Nut Butter (look at ingredients, fewer are better (Red Clover will let you make
fresh nut butter)
Lean Protein
Dream and Set Goals (create Pinterest board to organize)
Oils that aren’t olive or coconut or REAL Butter
TOXINS: slowly find them in my home/life and ask myself what little changes
could I make that would help me feel better / live better?
Processed Cured Meats
People who rob my joy
Do what fills up my cup at least once per week
Relax at least once per week doing something I personally enjoy
Breath daily (in through your nose, hold, slowly release) and say positive words
Find my favorite Bible verses and keep them handy to be reminded how loved I
Invest a little time monthly rediscovering who I am and loving myself
Serve or Nurture something or someone – ♥ giving of time & talents ♥
Reflect on your accomplishments, strengths, and blessings – perhaps a
Gratitude journal
Reach Out, Share, & Be Brave on this journey – I am going to do some
awesome transforming of myself as I learn to self love
Connect with a girlfriend or a family member that I have wanted to spend time
with. Meet face to face whenever possible
More double dates with friends
Forgiveness (others and self)
Date with husband / time focusing on each other ♥
Laugh More… What makes you laugh? Who makes you laugh?
Be very present wherever I am
Read More (Bible and books that feed my heart and soul)
Advocate for my health
This is a guide/suggestions to help you on your self love journey. You can personalize this for your 2021 goals and
for the Kona Kiss Self Love Challenge. Follow Kona_Kiss on Instagram and Facebook and visit for
updates and product information.